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BTF5-8 Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji

Good news! In November 2021, BTF5-8 Beston fully automatic egg tray making machine was delivered to Fiji. This egg tray making line is equipped with aluminum mold dies and multiple-layer metal dryers. See some photos at Beston manufacturing factory.

BTF5-8 Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji
BTF5-8 Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine with Metal Dryer Delivered to Fiji

Photos of BTF5-8 Beston Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji

You can see some main parts from the following photos, including metal dryer, packing machine, BTF5-8 egg tray molding machine, and pulper. This model has a large capacity. And this customer wanna few laborers to operate this line. He ordered a multiple-layer dryer and packing machine. See the details of this line shipped to Fiji.

Model BTF5-8
Capacity 5000-5500pieces/h
Forming Egg Tray Mould 40
Total Power 161kw
Electricity Consumption 113kW/h
System Pulping making system, molding system, metal drying system and packing system
Final Products 30-cell paper egg tray
Location Fiji
Delivery Time 2021.11
Packing Machine and Metal Dryer of BTF5-8 Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji
Packing Machine and Metal Dryer Delivered to Fiji
BTF5-8 Beston Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji
BTF5-8 Beston Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji
Pulper of BTF5-8 Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji
Beston Pulping Machine Delivered to Fiji
BTF5-8 Beston Fully Automatic Egg Tray Making Machine Delivered to Fiji
Beston Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji

Videos of BTF5-8 Beston Automatic Egg Tray Making Machine Shipped to Fiji

The content of this video can be divided into the run trial of automatic paper egg tray equipment, metal dryer, components and delivery process.

Components of BTF5-8 Beston Automatic Egg Tray Machine Shipped to Fiji

Beston provides different plans for different customers. There are some differences in details among our production lines exported to the global world. They are components number, devices brand, custom services, and so on.

Components of BTF5-8 Beston Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji
Components of BTF5-8 Automatic Egg Tray Equipment Delivered to Fiji
Components of Fully Automatic Egg Tray Making Machine Delivered to Fiji
Components of BTF5-8 Automatic Egg Tray Making Machine Delivered to Fiji
Components of Beston Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji
Components of Beston Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji
Components of Beston BTF5-8 Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji
Components of BTF5-8 Fully Automatic Egg Tray Machine Delivered to Fiji

This is the first set of egg tray making machine shipped to Oceania. There are many customers which are come customers that have a discussion with Beston from New Zealand, Australasia, New Caledonia, Papua, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, etc. We are looking forward to cooperating with customers from these countries. If you are interested in this machine, leave your demand.

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